At the EU summit in Brussels in December 2005 the course was set for the EU budget for the years 2007 to 2013. With a volume of a good €862 billion and a share of 1.045% of the EU’s national income it is considerably lower than the original intentions of the Commission and close to the suggestion of the Luxembourg Council Presidency of June 2005. The British rebate will be reduced by a total of €10.5 billion. The resolution allows for fresh decisions on all questions concerning EU revenue and expenditure to be taken in 2008 or 2009, including decisions on the British rebate and on aid to agriculture. Although the European Parliament has not accepted the summit resolutions in their present form, it can be expected that following an increase in certain expenditure positions, which could raise the budget to 1.09% of European national income, the budget will fi nally be agreed. With regard to the net payer (net recipient) position of certain countries and with regard to the structure of expenditure no major changes are to be expected.
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