The bad news is: the “non” in France and the “nee” in the Netherlands to the European constitution is a clear “no” to all ambitions to implement a European State at this point in time. The European population does not want more Europe: it wants less Europe. People do not want to set out for new but unknown European shores. They want to stop, to wait and see how all the unfi nished projects already embarked upon are brought to a good end. And there are (too) many unfi nished projects. The single European market with no internal borders has not yet been completely achieved. Just remember the very recent debate on whether EU citizens may move from East to West to offer their services according to the conditions in their country of origin or whether this is wage dumping and they therefore have to accept the national rules of the game in the destination country. Despite the fact that the euro has been successfully established, there are still populist fears that it has hindered growth, increased employment problems and is a reason for many national economic problems.
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