Intereconomics celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2016. To mark the occasion, former editor-in-chief Carsten R. Moser and long-standing editor Irene Wilson wrote texts about the journal. Below you will find congratulations on the anniversary, which was also celebrated with a Senate reception in Hamburg City Hall.

Dr. Carsten R. Moser
Happy 50th Anniversary, Intereconomics!

Irene Wilson
Looking back on 30 years at Intereconomics
"Congratulations to Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy as it celebrates 50 years of bringing timely economic analysis and insight to bear on the wide range of challenging issues that confront policy makers. Looking forward to many more years of lively commentary by leading economists on the day's most pressing problems.“
„50 years of Intereconomics, 50 years of solid and stimulating academic discussions of economic policy in Europe. Even after 50 years, Intereconomics is the leading journal for contemporary European economic policy debate.“
„The evolution of Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy over the last 50 years faithfully reflects Europe’s development in the economic ambit, in both theoretical debate and in its contribution to interpreting the evolution of European economic policy praxis. This is a brilliant contribution within the framework of economic-societal ordering which enables the European reality to be followed with consistency as well as facilitating concise, reliable interpretation processes with regard to economic and societal phenomena. It is a great satisfaction for me to have been on the advisory board for such a long time, and I would like to take this chance to congratulate the editorial team for their contribution to European development and to wish them every success for the magazine’s future. Congratulations!“
„I have been a member of the Advisory Board of Intereconomics for more than a decade, and I have regularly contributed my economic policy articles with a European perspective to the journal. Since Intereconomics changed its focus in 2001 to become a “Review of European Economic Policy”, it has become a must for every academic, policymaker and student interested in European banking, economics, finance, government, politics and other issues. It is a real pleasure for me to congratulate the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and, of course, all readers on this great achievement. I am confident that Intereconomics will continue to play its role as the premier journal on European economic policy for the next fifty years.“
„Intereconomics has proven eminently capable of filling a gap in the journal literature with its focus on European economic issues and policy. It has found the right mix of economic analysis, without heavy math, and sound approaches to EU economic policies and regulation. It has grown into a truly European journal as well, which adds to its value. My congratulations for this successful strategy, to the benefit of many readers.“