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Event Review: Redesigning EU Fiscal Rules After COVID-19

Tuesday, 30.11.2021

14:00 – 16:45

11th Annual Intereconomics / CEPS Conference (online)

The economics of fiscal rules and debt sustainability. Government debt levels have increased dramatically since the outbreak of the pandemic. EU fiscal rules have been temporarily suspended, and the persisting low interest rate environment seems to remain favourable to loose fiscal policy. How sustainable will government debt be once ECB support is withdrawn?

What type of fiscal rules does the EU need in the post COVID-19? As confidence that the pandemic is under control increases and more normal times ensue, the suspension of the EU fiscal rules will come to an end. Which type of fiscal rules does the euro area need? Should a "golden rule" be added to the current framework? Would a more radical change be desirable?

Studies and conclusions of the conference speakers are published in Intereconomics No. 1 of 2022.

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All sessions are available to watch on youtube

Studies and conclusions of the conference speakers are published in Intereconomics No. 1 of 2022.



Keynote speech: Economic recovery in the age of COVID-19

  • Carlos Cuerpo
    Secretary General of Spanish Treasury

Session I: The Economics of Fiscal Rules and Debt Sustainability

  • Klaus Regling
    Managing Director, European Stability Mechanism, Luxembourg
  • Roel Beetsma
    Professor of Macroeconomics and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam
  • Philippa Sigl-Glöckner
    Director, Dezernat Zukunft, Munich
  • Moderator
    Daniel Gros
    Member of the Board and Distinguished Fellow, CEPS

Session II: What type of fiscal rules does the EU need post COVID-19?

  • Catherine Mathieu
    Economist, L’Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE), Paris
  • Sebastian Barnes
    Deputy, Network of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions, Dublin
  • Cinzia Alcidi
    Director, Centre for European Studies (CEPS), Brussels
  • Moderator
    Christian Breuer
    ZBW Editor-in-Chief, Intereconomics