Event Review: De-Globalisation - A New World Order?
Tuesday, 08.11.2022
14:00 – 17:15
In cooperation with

Studies and conclusions of the conference speakers are published in Intereconomics No. 6 of 2022.
Welcome and introduction
Christian Breuer
ZBW Editor-in-Chief, Intereconomics
Keynote Speech
Jayati Ghosh
Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Session I: De-globalisation or new globalisation?
After decades of increasing globalisation in trade, capital and information flows, the global financial crisis marked the beginning of a shift. In the following years, US-China trade tensions and the gradual demise of the WTO appeared to be serious threats to globalisation. COVID-19, by driving regional lockdowns and broken value chains, seemed to amplify de-globalisation forces. However, post-pandemic data point elsewhere. The rebound in trade over the last year was substantially sharper than most had anticipated, and the upsurge is now likely to continue. The collapse that the supply-chain theory seemed to predict is turning out to be rather short-lived. Where is globalisation heading? How resilient is it? Will we see a different globalisation? Have value chains passed the test?
Simon Evenett
Professor of International Trade and Economic Development, University of St. Gallen -
Alicia García Herrero
Senior Fellow, Bruegel and Chief Economist for Asia Pacific, Natixis -
Alexander Sandkamp
Professor, Kiel Institute for the World Economy -
Cinzia Alcidi
Director, CEPS

Session II: The geopolitics of (de)globalisation
Increasing competition and tension between the US and China, the war in Ukraine and the divided stance over the conflict are changing the global geopolitical landscape. The prediction of a more multipolar world, with dispersed power, may lead to a world order divided into two blocks: one under US influence and another under Chinese influence. Is this a realistic scenario? What does it mean from a geoeconomic or geopolitical perspective? Should we expect a reduction in international business activity and shifts in their geography? What does it mean for the EU and its role in the world?
Isabelle Ioannides
Non-Resident Research Fellow, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy; and Senior Policy Analyst, European Parliamentary Research Service -
Simone Urbani Grecchi
Head of International Strategic Analysis, Intesa Sanpaolo -
Benjamin Zissimos
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Exeter Business School -
Ekaterina Sprenger
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Intereconomics