A service of the

Event: Data-Driven Economy: Challenges and Opportunities

17 June 2019, 12:30 pm - 05:00 pm

Vertretung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg beim Bund

Jägerstraße 1-3

10117 Berlin


Admission: free

conference programme

Intereconomics and the German Institute for Economics invite you to the conference "Data-Driven Economy: Challenges and Opportunities"

The transformation of data into an independent asset poses new challenges for companies, regulators and policymakers. We examine the status-quo of data-driven business models and the requirements shaping the process. On the business side, new tools are needed to utilise data as an asset with regard to its quantity and diversity. Regulators and policymakers will have to refine an often inefficient legal and regulatory framework to guide this transformation towards the general benefit.

Studies and conclusions will be available in the Intereconomics issue No.4 of 2019.


Welcome and Introduction

  • Christian Breuer


  • Competition and Competition Policy in a Data-Driven Economy
    Justus Haucap
    Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Vortragsfolien

Session 1: Data-Driven Business Models

  • Data-Based Business Models
    Videesha Böckle
    signals Venture Capital, Vortragsfolien
  • The Next Way to Monetize Data
    Markus Spiekermann
    Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST Vortragsfolien
  • Moderator
    Jiffer Bourguignon

Session 2: Regulation and Governance

  • Data Governance as an Enabler for the Data Economy
    Barbara Engels
    German Economic Institute (IW) Vortragsfolien
  • Data Governance Models: Moving Beyond One-Size-Fits-All Solutions
    Bruno Carballa-Smichowski
    Chronos Vortragsfolien
  • Data Governance Models and Smart Cities
    Maximilian von Grafenstein
    Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) Vortragsfolien
  • Moderator
    Vera Demary
    Head of the Research Unit Structural Change and Competition, German Economic Institute (IW)